Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Gift of Alexander and Anne Lowenthal

Landscape with Lake [Duplicate]

1870 – 1880 (Date created)

16.25 in W x 13.125 in H x 2.25 in D (Frame)
11.75 in W x 8.75 in H (Image)
30 cm W x 22.4 cm H (Image)
Fall landscape with water in foreground, two low trees in middle-ground to the left, open and cloudy sky upper left, and group of red, brown, green trees at right.
In Collection
Alexander and Anne Lowenthal (gift, 1983)
Marie-Madeleine Aubrun, "Jules Dupré, 1811-1889, catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, dessiné et gravé. Léonce Laget, Paris, 1974
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.