Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Gift of Alex and Ann Lowenthal

Solitary Mountain [Duplicate]

December 15 1980 (Date accessioned)
1956 (Date created)

29 in W x 21 in H (Image)
31 in W x 22.5 in H x 1.625 in D (Frame)
Abstract landscape, view of a mountain, grey background, shapes of blues, whites and greys.
Tabuchi began his studies of art at age 25 at the University of Tokyo, and moved to Paris in 1951 to pursue his studies at the Sorbonne. He has exhibited extensively in France and in Japan, and has participated in major internationals, including the Sao Paulo, Venice, and Pittsburgh exhibitions. His works are part of the collections of the Musée national d'art moderne in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo.

The title evokes a mountain, however the abstract landscape, not identifiable, conveys a sense of mystery. Through intricate details in the textures and the small dimensions of the canvas, this painting feels intimate, despite the overwhelming presence of the mountain.

- From ReDiscover exhibition, Fall 2013

In Collection
Mary Lowenthal Felstiner, Purchase Galerie Lucien Durand in 1956
Exhibited at Carnegie Museum, Art in Residence, 1973.
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.