Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA.

A Fisherman-Majorca

1927 (Date created)

0 in L x 8.5 in W x 10.25 in H x 0 in D (Object)
Notes: Sheet Size
Edition 70/75
Depicted in this work, a man carefully plants his feet and balances on a rock as he casts his fishing rod into the sea. The title provides clues to help pull the narrative together.  Majorca is an island in the Mediterranean Sea with coasts that are rugged and lined with cliffs. Here the fisherman firmly grasps his wooden rod and stares intently into the water from the rocks.

The artist, Robert Sargent Austin, found inspiration for his engravings in the everyday lives of the middle and lower classes. A renowned artist, he taught at the Royal College of Art in London after the Second World War during which he worked as a war artist to record the war efforts of women. 
-from exhibition label for Face Value (fall 2012)
In Collection
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