Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Gift of Mr. Marne Obernauer in honor of Joseph M. Katz

Les essencies de la terra

1968 (Date created)

14.875 in W x 19.375 in H (Object)
Published by Ediciones Poligrafa, S.A. Balmes, 54, Barcelona. 250/1100 from a total edition of 1120. Original lithographs printed in color, in original jacket and portfolio. 3 double page, 2 single page, and outer binding lithograph. Images numbered but text not numbered. Book in sheets, under printed cover. Texts of various authors of which Juan Perucho, illustrated with 13 lithographs (among which 4 in colors) in full page after Joan Miro.
In Collection
Mr. Marne Obernauer, gift
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.