Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Acquired through the Ackerman Foundation.
IV: Skaean Gates from the Death of Hektor
1979 (Date created)
1980 (Date accessioned)
1980 (Date collected)
1980 (Date accessioned)
1980 (Date collected)
11.125 in W
15.563 in H
An image of two armored figures holding spears and shields. 234/300
Published by Circle Press Publications.
Published by Circle Press Publications.
Two figures, the background figure representing Hektor, stand guard with solemn forward stares, at the ghostly Skaean Gates. Each figure is drawn in a different style, Hektor being composed almost entirely of lines, the other mostly of insubstantial black spaces. The artists alternates dark and light regions, giving each figure the appearance of a ghost within a ghost. A similar technique is used in the Death of Hektor, where two figures overlap. The larger soldier seems to be made up partially of the shield he bears, which provides a contrast to the two primarily horizontal grey regions, allowing the viewer's attention to focus on the shield and thence to Hektor, who waits behind.
In Collection
Gift of Edward MacNeal via the Ackerman Foundation (1980)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.