Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Marriage Bed Post Figure (Chinese)

0 in L x 3.188 in W x 9.625 in H x 0 in D
In its original condition this carved wooden bedpost was lacquered and possibly gilded. It is exemplary of the posts wich were customarily commissioned in old China by a groom's family for newlyweds. Many posts such as this were truly elaborate works of art adorned with carvings and legendary warriors, palace scenes and mythical animals.

Marriage Bed Post Figure (Chinese)

In its original condition this carved wooden bedpost was lacquered and possibly gilded. It is exemplary of the posts wich were customarily commissioned in old China by a groom's family for newlyweds. Many posts such as this were truly elaborate works of art adorned with carvings and legendary warriors, palace scenes and mythical animals.
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.