Gift of the artist

Tea Bowl with Milky Purple Glaze

1983 (Date created)

Ceramic, Glaze
0 in L x 0 in W x 0 in H x 0 in D (Object)
Kazuaki Kita was born in Nagano refecture, Japan in 1934. He mastered the theory and practice of pottery, particularly Yohen ceramics, without a teacher. His immense control of the process has gained him recognition as one of the finest contemporary ceramicists. The first Yohen ceramics came from the kilns of Jian Yao during the Southern Sung Dynasty (1127-1279 CE) in China about a thousand years ago. The distinctive quality of Yohen is the changing colors that surround the crystalline nucleus -- a technique that remained a mystery until 1974 when Kita clarified the method. The conditions for the formation of Yohen involves differences in firing times and temperatures, and the speed at which the temperature rises and falls in the kiln. These changes of condition in the kiln create an iridescent color reminiscent of certain black opals.
Bowl, Ceremonial

Tea Bowl with Milky Purple Glaze
In Collection
Gift of the artist (1986)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.