Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift
1988.2.15 (ABC)

Toy Fu Dog

Jadite, White/Coral
0 in L x 1.5 in W x 9.75 in H x 1 in D
This decorative jade object is made in the shape of a og with four wheels underneath and a chain in front. It emulates the form of a popular children's toy of the time period. In fact, this dog has a dragon's face, horns and tail. The dog is one of the tewlve animals of the Zodiac. The coral ball, which is for the dog's amusement, is associated with the pearl of potentiality. This small dog is made of pure white jadeite, usually reserved for pieces of jewelry. Because jadeite is a very difficult material to manipulate, its lively shape, smooth surface, and long loose chain demonstrate the high level of craftsmanship involved in its creation.

Toy Fu Dog
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
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