Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Poku Vase

1662 – 1723 (Date created)

0 in L x 10 in W x 25 in H x 10 in D
This Po Ku vase is of the K'ang period (1662-1723). The fifty-three objects depicted on the vase are of the Po Ku (household ornaments) or One Hundred Antiquities, which began in the early periods of Chinese history. A custom prevailed of interring with the dead honorary vases. Around the year 200, during the civil wars, the graves of the ancient monarchs were dug up and their ashes dispersed. Many of these ancient relics were discovered and the style has been preserved to the present. Regarding the vases solely on account of their symmetry and style of ornament, they are interesting as ancient artifacts. Their inscriptions unquestionably establish the fact that the present written character is derived from hieroglyphic representation. -- from exhibition label

Poku Vase

This Po Ku vase is of the K'ang period (1662-1723). The fifty-three objects depicted on the vase are of the Po Ku (household ornaments) or One Hundred Antiquities, which began in the early periods of Chinese history. A custom prevailed of interring with the dead honorary vases. Around the year 200, during the civil wars, the graves of the ancient monarchs were dug up and their ashes dispersed. Many of these ancient relics were discovered and the style has been preserved to the present. Regarding the vases solely on account of their symmetry and style of ornament, they are interesting as ancient artifacts. Their inscriptions unquestionably establish the fact that the present written haracter is derived from hieroglyphic representation.

-- from exhibition label
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
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