Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift


1723 – 1735 (Date created)

0 in L x 0 in W x 9.875 in H x 0 in D
This vase is painted in the style of Ku Yueh Hsuan. The painting centers on Fu Hsi, the first of five emperors of the Legendary period. He taught his people to hunt, fish, and tend flocks. He is riding a lion, the master of the feline race, and emblem of valor and energy. To Fu Hsi's right is Li T'ieh-kuai on his lion, carrying a fruit offering, and wearing a gourd with spirals of smoke ascending from it, denoting his power of setting spirits free. He is one of the Eigh Immortals. To the far left, a servant brings a large lotus blossom in a basket. He is offering a Feich'eng peach, used primarily as a medicine, which weighs over one pound. In superstition, it is an emblem of marriage and a symbol of immortality. The servant to the left of Fu Hsi is carrying a Ju-i sceptor, which is supposedly used to point the way and guard against the unexpected. The vase has a fitted cap.

-- from an exhibition label


This vase is painted in the style of Ku Yueh Hsuan. The painting centers on Fu Hsi, the first of five emperors of the Legendary period. He taught his people to hunt, fish, and tend flocks. He is riding a lion, the master of the feline race, and emblem of valor and energy. To Fu Hsi's right is Li T'ieh-kuai on his lion, carrying a fruit offering, and wearing a gourd with spirals of smoke ascending from it, denoting his power of setting spirits free. He is one of the Eigh Immortals. To the far left, a servant brings a large lotus blossom in a basket. He is offering a Feich'eng peach, used primarily as a medicine, which weighs over one pound. In superstition, it is an emblem of marriage and a symbol of immortality. The servant to the left of Fu Hsi is carrying a Ju-i sceptor, which is supposedly used to point the way and guard against the unexpected. The vase has a fitted cap.

-- from an exhibition label
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.