Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Sculpture of Philosopher

18th century (Date created)

Blanc de Chine
0 in L x 9 in W x 16.25 in H x 6.75 in D
Notes: Size including base
The figural grouping depicts a philosopher seated in contemplation on a gnarled root promontory of an old cherry tree. Four of these root promontories have animal-like heads. From this old root system, three new trunks have risen, each bearing a few cherry blossoms.

Sculpture of Philosopher

The figural grouping depicts a philosopher seated in contemplation on a gnarled root promontory of an old cherry tree. Four of these root promontories have animal-like heads. From this old root system, three new trunks have risen, each bearing a few cherry blossoms.
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.