Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Stem Cup

1736 – 1795 (Date created)

0 in L x 0 in W x 5.625 in H x 0 in D
This is painted in the blue and white Ming style. There are calligraphic characters interspersed with flower heads growing from scrolled stems with curled leaves. The angled underside of the up is painted with a band of radiating lappets. On the stem and collar and sprigs, and on the splayed foot are ropes and tassels.

Stem Cup

This is painted in the blue and white Ming style. There are calligraphic characters interspersed with flower heads growing from scrolled stems with curled leaves. The angled underside of the up is painted with a band of radiating lappets. On the stem and collar and sprigs, and on the splayed foot are ropes and tassels.
In Collection
Anonymous Gift (see Notes)
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.