Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Double Bears

Ink, Color
25.125 in W x 108.375 in H (Object)
Giuseppe Castiglione (Chinese name: 郎世宁) was an Italian missionary to China during the Qing Dynasty, serving as a court painter to the Kangxi (1662-1722), Yongzheng (1723-1735), and Qianlong (1736-1796) emperors. He is particularly well known for synthesizing Chinese brushwork with Western painting methods such as atmospheric perspective and the layering of colored ink for increased opacity and depth. Although Double Bears has been attributed to Giuseppe Castiglione, the clumsy handling of brushwork (especially in the background landscape) and awkward composition as well as its lack of atmospheric perspective indicate that it is a 20th century copy of a Castiglione or a work painted in the style of Castiglione.
In Collection
In Possession of UAG since 2000; In possession of donor 1982-2000; Purchased by donor from Continental Trading Enterprises Ltd., March, 1982
Anonymous Donation, 2000 (see Notes)
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