Collection of the University of Pittsburgh Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. Anonymous Gift

Six Gentlemen

May 6 1998 (Date created)

19 in W x 72 in H (Object)
The painting describes autumn view and the artist's desire to be with nature. The original painting is from the Yuan Dynasty. This reproduction is dated 5-6-98 in Shanghai.
The original painting is by Ni Zan, one of the four zen masters. It presents a very abstract type of calligraphy. The artist shows his mastering of the brushwork; each stroke is rendered with dry ink. The original was probably done on rice paper, a new fashion at that time. There are no human figures in this painting, just nature. The artist wishes to distance himself from society. There are no stroke to suggest the water in the landscape: the artist suggests a certain idea of death, or abandonment.
In Collection
Anonymous Donation, 2000 (see Notes)
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