University Art Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


1611 (Date created)
1947 (Date collected)
1972 (Date accessioned)

0 in L x 3.4252 in W x 4.4094 in H x 0 in D
Notes: Sheet size: 12.5 x 10.1 cm
Upper half of print: tabernacle of the altar in church of St.Peter, Christ holding a cross, standing in center. Lower half: inscription with scrolls.
In Collection
Acquired by the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Pittsburgh from Theodore Huminski (1947).

Provenance research for this object (and group of objects from the lot) is currently being conducted. For any questions or information, please contact the University Art Gallery: (please write "Callot Provenance" in the subject line)
Lieure (T.I, 2 - vol. 3-cat.16)

Delineationes picturae altarium in Ecclesiis S. Petri et S. Pauli Romae

Stephane Loire, "Les Tableaux de Rome graves par Jacques Callot: leurs source et leur contexte", in Jacques Callot (1592-1635), Actes du colloque organise par le Service culturel du musee du Louvre et la ville de Nancy a Paris et a Nancy les 25, 26, 27 juin 1992. Sous la direction scientifique de Daniel Ternois, Klincksieck, Paris, 1993, pp.91-136.
Please note that cataloging is ongoing and that some information may not be complete.